August 27, 2020 3 min read
We can’t lose weight by just locally targeting specific areas, however, it’s very possible to make our waist look slimmer and our stomach looks flatter. There are a few muscle groups that are responsible for our midsection and we just need to find exercises that work on isolating these muscles. The trick is that these exercises should be done in a way that makes these muscles strong and toned, but not big and bulky. So whether you want to achieve an hourglass figure or just looking to lose a few inches in the waistline, these tips and exercise can aid you in your fitness goals.
Our mid-section only has 3 main muscle groups and each of them plays a particular role in how our waist and stomach look. If the deep-lying transverse abdominis is not strong enough, the stomach sticks out. The top-sealed rectus abdominis gives us a defined 6-pack. The external and internal oblique muscles are responsible for the waist shape and contribute to that hourglass form that many of us want to get.
If a slim waist and a flat tummy are your goals, you should be focusing on toning and strengthening these muscles. You will need a mix of static exercises,body-weight dynamic exercises, and stretching.
Targets all the abdominal muscle groups: transverse abdominis, obliques, and rectus abdominis
If it’s a bit too challenging, lift one leg at the time, alternating.
Works on the rectus abdominis muscles and the transverse abdominis muscles.
Make sure that you don't pull your head with your hands, your abs should do the work.
Targets the transverse abdominis, and the external and internal obliques.
Works great on the obliques.
*Stretching is just as important for getting and staying in good shape as any exercise, but it's often overlooked.
The most important thing to understand when trying to get a small waist is that healthy body weight is priority number one. Strength training for the entire body & a healthy diet is the key to a slimmer waistline.
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