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September 25, 2019 3 min read
What’s better than when your partner in life turns out to be your partner in the gym? A workout that works for BOTH of you!
Use the exercises below for a great total body couples workout routine and bonding session with your better half. Don’t have a significant other? Grab your best friend or family member!
Facing your partner, outstretch your arms towards each other at a distance where you can hold your partner’s wrists. This connection should feel secure as each person is holding the other’s wrists to create a solid grip.
Using each other as balance descend into squat position together, using your partner to keep your chest upright and spine neutral. Having your partner should allow you to reach appropriate depth- quads/thighs parallel to the floor.
Pushing through the heels, return to starting position together and squeeze glutes at the top. Repeat 12-15 repetitions, 2-3 sets.
This exercise requires trust and a bit of timing!
One partner will assume push up position on the floor- wrists directly under shoulders and feet place wider than hip-width apart. The second partner should stand in-between the feet of the push up partner.
Keeping knees soft but legs straight, the second partner descends into hip hinge forward, reaching for push up partner’s ankles. Push up partner descends into push up until elbows reach 90 degrees, lowering chest towards the floor. As push up partner extends back to starting position, second partner (deadlift partner) grasps partner’s ankles and extends back to start at the top of the deadlift.
Push up will then descend into second repetition as deadlift partner hip hinges forward to perform lowering phase, lowering ankles as push up partner reaches 90 degrees with elbows. Both partners then return to starting position, extending arms in push up and extending hips in deadlift. Repeat 10-12 repetitions, 2-3 sets, alternating push up and deadlift positions.
Using two resistance bands with handles, face your partner and hold the bands so that each partner is holding one end of each resistance band.
Together press the bands forward and slightly together at chest height. Slowly release to complete one repetition. Adjust space between you if necessary. Perform 12-15 repetitions, 2-3 sets.
Tip: Utilize a mirror for the exercise to ensure you and your partner are pressing at the same pace.
This is one of my favorite couples exercises and requires hard work from each partner to keep the exercise moving. Each partner will choose a moderately heavy preloaded barbell to perform ten (10) bicep curls.
Place barbells a few feet in front of each of you.One partner will begin his/her 10 repetitions while the other partner performs mountain climbers behind his/her barbell.
As soon as the first partner is finished with curls, the second partner will pop up and immediate start his/her 10 repetitions while the first partner drops down to perform mountain climbers. The partner performing bicep curls will dictate how long the second partner performs mountain climbers- so be sure to keep working hard to save your partner!
Perform 10-12 repetitions, 2-3 sets.
Assume push up position across from your partner, head to head. Leave a foot or two of space between you, enough room to “high five” each other. Perform push ups together and “high five” at the top of the rep- right hand to right hand. Perform another push up together and “high five” at the top of the rep- left hand to left hand. Perform 12-15 repetitions, 2-3 sets.
Exercising with your significant other is a fantastic way to create a deeper connection and work on a common goal. Get to work utilizing these exercises for an awesome couples workout!
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